Constitution & By-Laws

CONSTITUTION (AS VOTED UPON 11.2010)  ARTICLE I:      NAME The name of this organization shall be the Syracuse-Oswego Board of Women's Basketball Officials, Inc., herein after referred to as the Board.  ARTICLE II:     BOARD AFFILIATION The Board shall be directly affiliated with each of the following organizations: A. New York State Girls’ Basketball Officials Association (NYSGBOA). B. Section Three Officials Coordinating Committee. C. Membership in the above organizations creates affiliation with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Inc. (NYSPHSAA).  ARTICLE III:    PURPOSE A. To promote the welfare of the game of women's basketball, its players, coaches and officials. B. To provide, at all times, an adequate number of thoroughly trained and capable officials. C. To develop standards of conduct for officials compatible with the policies of the NYSGBOA. D. To meet the requirements for approved officials in NYS by implementing the NYSPHSAA Five Point Program as follows: Observe the Constitution and by-laws of their local and state official's organizations. Attend interpretation meetings and clinics of the local organization each year. Give satisfactory evidence of proficiency in the mechanics of officiating and of competent performance related to the specific sport. Pass the rules examination approved by NYSGBOA. Are listed with the NYSPHSAA Executive Secretary. ARTICLE IV:    MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS AND VOTING A. All members shall meet the membership requirements of NYSGBOA as contained in Article I of the By-laws. B. All members in good standing with the Board shall have voting privileges.  ARTICLE V:     MEETINGS/QUORUM   Regular:     There shall be a minimum of six (6) membership meetings per year at times and locations designated by the Executive Committee.  Each member shall be notified at least one (1) week before all such meetings.  Regular meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the New York Sunshine Law. Special:     Special meetings of the membership may be called at any time by the President, or by the Secretary/Treasurer upon written request of five (5) members, stating the purpose of such a request.  Notice of special meetings shall be mailed to each member at least five (5) days prior to the meeting stating the purpose for which the meeting is being called.  Special meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the New York Sunshine Law. Authority:   When assembled in meeting, the Board shall have the power to transact any business of the Board, provided, however, that at a special meeting no business other than that for which the special meeting was called shall be transacted. Quorum:    A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of a majority of the membership of the board and shall be required for the conduct of any business.  ARTICLE VI:     OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS Elected Officers of the Board President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Assignor, Interpreter, Membership Committee Chair, Rating Committee Chair, Audit/Budget Committee Chair and Parliamentarian. Elections and Terms of Office The officers shall be elected at the final regular meeting of the year. Prior to the final regular meeting, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee of three persons to nominate a slate of one or more candidates for each of the offices open for election. The Nominating Committee shall secure the written consent of each candidate to be nominated. Election of officer's for a two (2) year term shall be as follows: Odd years: President, Secretary-Treasurer, Membership Chair and Audit/Budget Chair.             Even years: Vice-president, Assignor, Interpreter, Rating Chair and Parliamentarian. Each officer will take office effective April 1st of the election year. A vacancy in an office (appointed or elected) will be filled via appointment by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee until the next annual election. Should the President fail to complete the term of office, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President until the next annual election. An elected officer may be removed from office upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of the membership present.   ARTICLE VII:    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Membership The Executive Committee shall consist of the nine (9) elected officers and the most recent past-president available to serve. Authority The Executive Committee shall have the power and authority over the affairs of the Board between meetings. Meetings The Executive Committee shall meet at least monthly starting in September of each year through March of the next year, or more often at the call of the President or at the request of at least three (3) Executive Committee members.  All meetings shall be conducted under Robert’s Rules of Order and the New York Sunshine Law. Quorum A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VIII:   COMMITTEES There shall be four (4) standing committees.  These committees shall be: Membership, Audit / Budget, Rating and Interpretation. As needed, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee and a Grievance Committee. Duties of the four standing committees as well as the Grievance Committee are outlined in Article V of the By-Laws of the Board. The duties of the Nominating Committee are delineated in Article VI above. ARTICLE IX:     DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS For failure to comply with the basic standards and policies of the Board, members are subject to the disciplinary action as determined under the provisions of Article VII of the By-laws of the Constitution. ARTICLE X:      AMENDMENTS All proposed amendments to this constitution must be presented in writing to the President. The President shall read or provide printed copies of the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting of the membership. At the following regular meeting of the membership, the amendment shall be discussed and voted upon.  A 2/3's vote of all those voting members attending is required for adoption. All changes to this constitution will be in effect immediately upon adoption, unless otherwise specified.    BY-LAWS (AS VOTED UPON 11.2010)   ARTICLE I:       INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP NYSGBOA Membership Requirement Each Local Board shall certify its members under the following classifications, as established by NYSGBOA: Varsity (Active)        b.      Junior Varsity (Active)   Junior High (Probationary) To be an approved member of an affiliated local board in any basketball classification, a member shall have met the requirements of the "Five Point Plan" (as stated in the Constitution – Article III, Section D) and as established by NYPHSAA in the State Constitution (Article II, Section D). An active member of NYSGBOA is an individual who adheres to the Association's requirements regarding payment of dues and is a member in good standing of one's local board. Dual Membership An individual may maintain membership with two or more boards if the member is able to comply with the established requirements of each board. A dual member's Home or Parent Board is the local board where an official resides and is currently tested and rated. An official must continue to be retested and rerated with that board unless transfer to another board has been accepted. Disciplinary action or suspension of an individual member of NYSGBOA shall be carried over to all boards with which one is a member. Any certified member in good standing with this Board may request to go inactive. A member who requests to go inactive may only do so for a period of two (2) years (two basketball seasons). The term "grandfather" is not recognized by NYSGBOA.  A person who is an official in another sport will have to complete the five-point program per the NYSPHSAA rules for girls' basketball and comply with all the rules of this Board for being a certified official in girls’ basketball. Transfers Transfers from other women's basketball officials’ organizations will require a letter of recommendation from their previous board regarding their status.  No applicant may become a member of this Board if he/she is not in good standing with the organization from which the applicant is transferring. Probationary period  All new applicants for membership in the Board shall serve a minimum of two years probationary period in compliance with the organizations with which it is affiliated before being able to be considered for Active status. Meeting attendance To be a member with privileges to vote, a member “MUST ATTEND” a minimum of four (4) meetings in addition to the mandatory Interpretation meeting. Resignation/leave of absence Any member, by written application to the Executive Committee, may resign or request a leave of absence from the      Board. The Executive Committee may grant a leave of absence for an indefinite period. A member granted a leave of  absence for a full year shall be required to pay fifty percent (50%) of the annual dues after deduction of an assigning fee and state dues. A member on leave of absence shall not receive game assignments from this Board or have voting rights until reinstated. To obtain reinstatement from a leave of absence, a member shall submit a written request to the Executive Committee. The Executive committee shall set the requirements for reinstatement from a leave of absence or a resignation.  ARTICLE II:      EXAMINATION RENEWAL PROCEDURES Written examination All members shall take the NYSGBOA written examination yearly, prior to the beginning of the season. New candidates and probationary members shall take the NYSGBOA examination by closed book method under appropriate Board supervision. Members holding an active rating will take an open book examination. A member must obtain a grade of 86% to retain, or qualify for, an active rating. A candidate or member must obtain a grade of 70% to retain, or qualify for, a probationary rating. The Rating Committee chairperson shall retain all examination answer sheets for a minimum of one (1) year. Practical examinations The Board has the responsibility to establish appropriate standards for renewing each member's rating in accordance with the organizations with which it is affiliated. All certified members will take the NYSGBOA written examination yearly before the beginning of the season. New candidates and candidates wishing to upgrade their rating shall take the NYSGBOA closed book written examination under appropriate Board supervision. A maximum of two (2) hours shall be allowed to individuals taking the closed book written examination. All members not wishing to upgrade their status and all certified varsity members shall take the NYSGBOA open book written examination.  The time and procedures shall be the responsibility of the Local Board. ARTICLE III:     ELECTIONS Any member in good standing with the Board is eligible to be nominated for an office. An individual may only hold one elected office at a time. ARTICLE IV:     DUTIES OF OFFICERS President: to assume the responsibility for directing the general business of the membership. to conduct and preside over all Executive Committee, regular or special meetings of the Board. to appoint special committees as the needs of the Board shall require. to coordinate the work of all committees of the Board and to serve as an ex-official member of those committees. to attend all State and Section III meetings at the expense of the Board.   Vice-President: to preside at meetings in the absence of the President. to succeed the President for the unexpired term of office if the President is unable to complete the         term of office.   Secretary -Treasurer: to record the minutes of the Executive Committee and membership meetings. to distribute the minutes to the members. to develop and maintain an updated mailing list of members and provide a copy to each member at the beginning of each high school season. to maintain an updated list of all pertinent personnel of the area schools served by the Board. to collect dues from all members. to keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures of the Board. to submit a written, itemized financial statement at each Executive Meeting. to submit a financial report to the membership at the final meeting of the season. to distribute Board membership cards to officials upon receiving their dues. to take attendance at all meetings. to tabulate votes on all business at the meetings. to submit a list of all officials of the Board to the NYSGBOA Executive Secretary, the Section III Executive Secretary and the schools served by the Board.   Assignor: to receive the league schedules. to assign officials to all games considering availability, distance, rating, and acceptability. to distribute the schedule of all game assignments to officials on a timely basis. to distribute a schedule of game assignments to athletic directors. to be available to make necessary assignment changes. to provide all ratings/comments on officials to the Rating Committee. to submit an annual expense report to the Executive Committee. to observe both active and probationary officials on a weekly basis and provide the Executive Committee with his recommendations of candidates to be considered for active status. to appoint an assistant assignor with the approval of the Executive Committee.   Interpreter: to be chairperson of the Rules Interpretation Committee and to call and preside over all meetings of the Committee. to attend rules interpretation sessions provided by NYSGBOA. to conduct the annual mandatory rules interpretation session required for all officials. to review the current changes in rules, interpretations and mechanics of officiating. to attend meetings where interpretations are given and to inform the membership and schools of changes. to submit an annual expense report to the Executive Committee.  ARTICLE V:      COMMITTEES Membership Committee (Standing) This committee shall be composed of a minimum of four (4) members, each serving a two (2) year term. Appointments shall be made, if possible, to avoid appointment of four (4) new members at one time. It shall be the duty of this committee to handle the recruiting and training of all new members, by publicizing and planning training sessions and coordinating with the Rating Committee regarding examinations. Administer and coordinate the mentoring program in cooperation with the Rating Chair.   Rating Committee (Standing) This committee shall be composed of a minimum of six (6) members, each serving a two (2) year term. Appointment to this committee shall be made, if possible, to avoid appointment of six (6) new members at one time. Each member must hold a current Active rating. The committee will: administer the annual NYSGBOA written examination to candidates and the membership according to the procedures set forth by the NYSGBOA. develop procedures and materials by which Probationary members can be evaluated while officiating. provide to the Executive Committee, no later than the last Executive Committee meeting and using the data from #1 and #2, a list of Probationary members which it recommends to be upgraded to Active status. actively observe both active and probationary officials on a regular basis and provide the Executive Committee with recommendations of candidates to be considered for active status. administer and coordinate the mentoring program in cooperation with the Membership Chair.   Interpretation Committee (Standing) This committee shall be chaired by the elected Interpreter and have a minimum of two (2) additional members. Review rules, rules interpretations and mechanics prior to the high school basketball season in order to prepare informational and educational strategies and materials. Review rules, rules interpretations and mechanics at the conclusion of each season in order to recommend changes to appropriate persons or organizations.   Auditing and Budget Committee (Standing) Consist of a minimum of three (3) members with at least one new member appointed each year. Audit the financial records of the Board after the close of each fiscal year (April 1 – March 31) and report its findings at the first regular meeting in the fall. Prepare and submit a budget for the following fiscal year to the Board for adoption by the membership at the final regular meeting of the season.   Grievance Committee (Ad Hoc) A grievance committee shall be appointed by the president whenever necessary to hear and decide all formal complaints against any member of the organization regarding any allegation of improper conduct or competence. This committee shall consist of a chairman and two other members who are not elected officers of the organization. Specific duties of this committee are outlined in Article VII of the by-laws.     ARTICLE VI:     DUES AND FEES Annual dues  Shall be established by the budget set forth by the Audit and Budget Committee and approved by the membership. Late payment  Dues are considered late if not paid within one month of the meeting at which a budget is adopted Refunds The Executive Committee may, upon request, refund all or part of a member's dues when he/she withdraws or transfers from the organization. Emergency assessment  The Executive Committee shall have the authority to assess each member, exclusive of the annual dues, an amount not to exceed three dollars ($3) whenever the balance of the treasury is less than fifty dollars ($50). In the event of a special assessment, the President shall order an audit to be conducted and reported upon within thirty (30) calendar days. Stipends  Stipends for officers of the Board shall be determined each year when the budget is approved. Expenses Expenses incurred in conducting the business of this association shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval.  Upon approval, payment will be made by the Treasurer. ARTICLE VII:    DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS Failure to comply with this Constitution or its by-laws, established authority or regulations of the organization, or for delinquency in payment of authorized charges, fines, penalties or assessments, or for any other conduct conclusively established to be contrary to the best interests of the organization. The Executive Committee shall establish a list of infractions and potential penalties for violations thereof (see APPENDIX). Said list shall be provided to members in good standing prior to November 1 each year. New members shall receive a copy of the list in conjunction with the application process. Any member against whom a formal complaint has been lodged shall receive, by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of the complaint signed by the chairman. This notice will specify the nature of each violation, the date and place of each violation, and the name of the person or the entity that made the complaint. The notice of the complaint shall also inform the member of his right to a hearing. At the member's option, any member charged with a violation shall have the right to be heard either in person or by written statement. A member shall be entitled to an in-person hearing provided such is requested by the member within 14 days of the date the member receives written notice of the complaint. The request must be made in writing to the chairman of the Grievance Committee. If an in person hearing is held, the person or a representative of the entity bringing the charges shall be present and both sides may present any relevant verbal information through witnesses and/or any relevant written information. Each party may also ask questions of his own witnesses and of the other party's witnesses. The Grievance Committee shall have the authority to impose upon any member found guilty of a violation(s): (1) a reprimand, (2) a fine, (3) a period of probation? or (4) any combination thereof, or the Grievance Committee may (5) fine the member and suspend the member for a period not to exceed one year, or (6) expel him from the organization with re-admittance possible only as a new member, and only by a majority vote of the active members present for such vote. Any penalty imposed by the committee may not be inconsistent with a penalty specified either in or pursuant to the constitution or the by-laws of the organization. A majority vote of the committee. shall determine its decision. The decision of the committee shall be in writing and shall be mailed to both sides by certified mail, return receipt requested. Only a member who is either suspended or expelled from the organization by the Grievance Committee may appeal the decision to the Appeals Board. If he/she decides to appeal the decision, the member shall request an appeal in writing within 14 days after the date on which he/she receives the decision of the Grievance Committee. The Appeals Board shall be chaired by a past president, if available, or a past member of the Executive Committee and shall also include the current assignor and current chairman of the Membership Committee. The Appeals Board, at its own option, shall base its decision on the written documents and other written information considered by the Grievance Committee, or the Appeals Board may require that additional information be submitted to the Board in writing and/or orally. The Appeals Board shall have the power to vote to either affirm or to completely set aside the decision of the Grievance Committee, but it shall have no other options. A majority vote of the Appeals Board shall determine its decision. The decision of the Appeals Board shall be final. The decision shall be in writing and shall be mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested to both sides within 90 days of the date on which the initial notice of the complaint was mailed to the member charged with the violation(s).   ARTICLE VIII:   NYSGBOA SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Definition Unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature or with sexual overtones which embarrasses or demeans, regardless of content. Policy Guidelines Legal Prohibitions - Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Sexual Issues). Note: 1991-expanded the Civil Rights Acts to include emotional distress. Two Main Categories of Sexual Harassment – Quid Pro Quo (this for that) or Hostile Environment Type of Sexual Abuse Verbal behaviors such as sexual comments, jokes, suggestions, demeaning names (honey, sweetie, broads, babe, etc.), calling attention to another’s body parts or remarks about another’s gender or sexual orientation. Non-verbal behavior such as suggestive looks, leering, mimicking, offensive gestures, messages on “T” shirts. Physical behaviors such as patting, squeezing, rubbing, pinching, repeatedly brushing up against someone’s body. Suggested Responses to Sexual Harassment Informal procedures - be assertive right away.  If you see something that your partner is doing and you believe it is not proper, tell that person b.) If it is a player directing sexual harassment towards you or your partner, advise them to stop and advise the coach. Formal Procedures – disclose details to the Local Board of Directors (Executive Committee) or to the School District.  Keep and present detailed records (who, when, where, why, how) of the harassment. Advice to the Harasser – what you meant is much less important than how the behavior was perceived.  Such as “I was only kidding” and phrases like “ I really meant no harm” do not make it go away.  Civil suits can be pursued. Some advice to the victim  - you have a right to work/play (referee or players) in a non-threatening environment; be strong, be assertive; passivity can be interpreted as a "green light"; and others might be suffering, not just you. ARTICLE IX:     OFFICIAL UNIFORM The official uniform of this Board shall be the uniform prescribed by the NYSGBOA. ARTICLE X:      AMENDMENTS All proposed amendments to these By-laws must be presented in writing to the President.  The President shall read or provide printed copies of the proposed amendment at the next regular meeting of the Board. At the following regular meeting of the Board, the amendment shall be discussed, and voted upon. A majority vote of all those voting members attending is required for adoption. All changes of these By-laws shall go into effect immediately upon adoption, unless otherwise specified.